| template_parameter_symbol_typet (const irep_idt &identifier) |
void | set_identifier (const irep_idt &identifier) |
const irep_idt & | get_identifier () const |
| typet () |
| typet (const irep_idt &_id) |
| typet (irep_idt _id, typet _subtype) |
typet & | add_subtype () |
bool | has_subtypes () const |
bool | has_subtype () const |
void | remove_subtype () |
const source_locationt & | source_location () const |
source_locationt & | add_source_location () |
typet && | with_source_location (source_locationt location) && |
| This is a 'fluent style' method for creating a new type with an added-on source location. More...
typet & | with_source_location (source_locationt location) & |
| This is a 'fluent style' method for adding a source location. More...
typet && | with_source_location (const typet &type) && |
| This is a 'fluent style' method for creating a new type with an added-on source location. More...
typet & | with_source_location (const typet &type) & |
| This is a 'fluent style' method for adding a source location. More...
typet & | add_type (const irep_idt &name) |
const typet & | find_type (const irep_idt &name) const |
bool | is_nil () const |
bool | is_not_nil () const |
| irept (const irep_idt &_id) |
| irept (const irep_idt &_id, const named_subt &_named_sub, const subt &_sub) |
| irept ()=default |
const irep_idt & | id () const |
const std::string & | id_string () const |
void | id (const irep_idt &_data) |
const irept & | find (const irep_idt &name) const |
irept & | add (const irep_idt &name) |
irept & | add (const irep_idt &name, irept irep) |
const std::string & | get_string (const irep_idt &name) const |
const irep_idt & | get (const irep_idt &name) const |
bool | get_bool (const irep_idt &name) const |
signed int | get_int (const irep_idt &name) const |
std::size_t | get_size_t (const irep_idt &name) const |
long long | get_long_long (const irep_idt &name) const |
void | set (const irep_idt &name, const irep_idt &value) |
void | set (const irep_idt &name, irept irep) |
void | set (const irep_idt &name, const long long value) |
void | set_size_t (const irep_idt &name, const std::size_t value) |
void | remove (const irep_idt &name) |
void | move_to_sub (irept &irep) |
void | move_to_named_sub (const irep_idt &name, irept &irep) |
bool | operator== (const irept &other) const |
bool | operator!= (const irept &other) const |
void | swap (irept &irep) |
bool | operator< (const irept &other) const |
| defines ordering on the internal representation More...
bool | ordering (const irept &other) const |
| defines ordering on the internal representation More...
int | compare (const irept &i) const |
| defines ordering on the internal representation comments are ignored More...
void | clear () |
void | make_nil () |
subt & | get_sub () |
const subt & | get_sub () const |
named_subt & | get_named_sub () |
const named_subt & | get_named_sub () const |
std::size_t | hash () const |
std::size_t | full_hash () const |
bool | full_eq (const irept &other) const |
std::string | pretty (unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const |
| sharing_treet (irep_idt _id) |
| sharing_treet (irep_idt _id, named_subt _named_sub, subt _sub) |
| sharing_treet () |
| sharing_treet (const sharing_treet &irep) |
| sharing_treet (sharing_treet &&irep) |
sharing_treet & | operator= (const sharing_treet &irep) |
sharing_treet & | operator= (sharing_treet &&irep) |
| ~sharing_treet () |
const dt & | read () const |
dt & | write () |
using | baset = tree_implementationt |
using | dt = tree_nodet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept >, true > |
using | subt = typename dt::subt |
using | named_subt = typename dt::named_subt |
using | tree_implementationt = sharing_treet |
| Used to refer to this class from derived classes. More...
static void | check (const typet &, const validation_modet=validation_modet::INVARIANT) |
| Check that the type is well-formed (shallow checks only, i.e., subtypes are not checked) More...
static void | validate (const typet &type, const namespacet &, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT) |
| Check that the type is well-formed, assuming that its subtypes have already been checked for well-formedness. More...
static void | validate_full (const typet &type, const namespacet &ns, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT) |
| Check that the type is well-formed (full check, including checks of subtypes) More...
static bool | is_comment (const irep_idt &name) |
static std::size_t | number_of_non_comments (const named_subt &) |
| count the number of named_sub elements that are not comments More...
void | detach () |
static void | remove_ref (dt *old_data) |
static void | nonrecursive_destructor (dt *old_data) |
| Does the same as remove_ref, but using an explicit stack instead of recursion. More...
dt * | data |
static dt | empty_d |
a template parameter symbol that is a type
Definition at line 65 of file cpp_template_parameter.h.