168 sd.output_functions();
178 log.
status() <<
"Removing function pointers and virtual functions"
246 "Usage: \tPurpose:\n"
248 " {bjdiff} [{y-?}] [{y-h}] [{y--help}] \t show this help\n"
249 " {bjdiff} {uold} {unew} \t jars to be compared\n"
254 " {y--show-loops} \t show the loops in the programs\n"
255 " {y-u}, {y--unified} \t output unified diff\n"
256 " {y--change-impact}, {y--forward-impact}, {y--backward-impact} \t output"
257 " unified diff with forward&backward/forward/backward dependencies\n"
258 " {y--compact-output} \t output dependencies in compact mode\n"
260 "Program instrumentation options:\n"
261 " {y--no-assertions} \t ignore user assertions\n"
262 " {y--no-assumptions} \t ignore user assumptions\n"
266 " {y--version} \t show version and exit\n"
267 " {y--json-ui} \t use JSON-formatted output\n"
268 " {y--verbosity} {u#} \t verbosity level\n"
void adjust_float_expressions(exprt &expr, const exprt &rounding_mode)
Replaces arithmetic operations and typecasts involving floating point numbers with their equivalent f...
void change_impact(const goto_modelt &model_old, const goto_modelt &model_new, impact_modet impact_mode, bool compact_output, message_handlert &message_handler)
Data and control-dependencies of syntactic diff.
virtual void output(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program, std::ostream &out) const
Output the abstract states for a single function.
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Non-graph-based representation of the class hierarchy.
std::string get_value(char option) const
virtual bool isset(char option) const
bool set(const cmdlinet &cmdline)
symbol_tablet symbol_table
Symbol table.
goto_functionst goto_functions
GOTO functions.
jdiff_parse_optionst(int argc, const char **argv)
void register_languages() override
void help() override
display command line help
bool process_goto_program(const optionst &options, goto_modelt &goto_model)
void get_command_line_options(optionst &options)
int doit() override
invoke main modules
static unsigned eval_verbosity(const std::string &user_input, const message_levelt default_verbosity, message_handlert &dest)
Parse a (user-)provided string as a verbosity level and set it as the verbosity of dest.
mstreamt & status() const
void set_option(const std::string &option, const bool value)
virtual void usage_error()
void log_version_and_architecture(const std::string &front_end)
Write version and system architecture to log.status().
ui_message_handlert ui_message_handler
virtual uit get_ui() const
static void instrument_cover_goals(const irep_idt &function_id, goto_programt &goto_program, const cover_instrumenterst &instrumenters, const irep_idt &mode, message_handlert &message_handler, const cover_instrumenter_baset::assertion_factoryt &make_assertion)
Applies instrumenters to given goto program.
cover_configt get_cover_config(const optionst &options, const symbol_tablet &symbol_table, message_handlert &message_handler)
Build data structures controlling coverage from command-line options.
void parse_cover_options(const cmdlinet &cmdline, optionst &options)
Parses coverage-related command line options.
Coverage Instrumentation.
static void show_goto_functions(const goto_modelt &goto_model)
Document and give macros for the exit codes of CPROVER binaries.
An error has been encountered during processing the requested analysis.
The command line is correctly structured but cannot be carried out due to missing files,...
Success indicates the required analysis has been performed without error.
static void transform_assertions_assumptions(goto_programt &goto_program, bool enable_assertions, bool enable_built_in_assertions, bool enable_assumptions)
Checks for Errors in C and Java Programs.
goto_modelt initialize_goto_model(const std::vector< std::string > &files, message_handlert &message_handler, const optionst &options)
Initialize a Goto Program.
void instrument_preconditions(const goto_modelt &goto_model, goto_programt &goto_program)
void parse_java_language_options(const cmdlinet &cmd, optionst &options)
Parse options that are java bytecode specific.
Syntactic GOTO-DIFF for Java.
JDIFF Command Line Option Processing.
void show_loop_ids(ui_message_handlert::uit ui, const goto_modelt &goto_model)
void mm_io(symbol_tablet &symbol_table, goto_functionst &goto_functions, message_handlert &message_handler)
Perform Memory-mapped I/O instrumentation.
std::string align_center_with_border(const std::string &text)
Utility for displaying help centered messages borderered by "* *".
std::string banner_string(const std::string &front_end, const std::string &version)
void remove_exceptions_using_instanceof(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, goto_functionst &goto_functions, message_handlert &message_handler)
removes throws/CATCH-POP/CATCH-PUSH
Remove function exceptional returns.
void remove_function_pointers(message_handlert &_message_handler, goto_modelt &goto_model, bool only_remove_const_fps)
Remove Indirect Function Calls.
void remove_instanceof(const irep_idt &function_identifier, goto_programt::targett target, goto_programt &goto_program, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const class_hierarchyt &class_hierarchy, message_handlert &message_handler)
Replace an instanceof in the expression or guard of the passed instruction of the given function body...
Remove Instance-of Operators.
void remove_returns(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, goto_functionst &goto_functions)
removes returns
Replace function returns by assignments to global variables.
void remove_skip(goto_programt &goto_program, goto_programt::targett begin, goto_programt::targett end)
remove unnecessary skip statements
void remove_virtual_functions(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, goto_functionst &goto_functions)
Remove virtual function calls from all functions in the specified list and replace them with their mo...
Functions for replacing virtual function call with a static function calls in functions,...
void label_properties(goto_modelt &goto_model)
Set the properties to check.
Unified diff (using LCSS) of goto functions.
const char * CBMC_VERSION