Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Witnesses for Traces and Proofs
5 Author: Daniel Kroening
7 \*******************************************************************/
12 #include "graphml_witness.h"
14 #include <util/arith_tools.h>
15 #include <util/byte_operators.h>
16 #include <util/c_types.h>
17 #include <util/cprover_prefix.h>
18 #include <util/namespace.h>
20 #include <util/prefix.h>
21 #include <util/ssa_expr.h>
22 #include <util/string_constant.h>
23 #include <util/symbol.h>
25 #include <ansi-c/expr2c.h>
27 #include <langapi/language_util.h>
28 #include <langapi/mode.h>
30 #include "goto_program.h"
31 #include "goto_trace.h"
33 static std::string
34 expr_to_string(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &id, const exprt &expr)
35 {
36  if(get_mode_from_identifier(ns, id) == ID_C)
38  else
39  return from_expr(ns, id, expr);
40 }
43 {
44  if(expr.id()==ID_symbol)
45  {
46  if(is_ssa_expr(expr))
47  expr=to_ssa_expr(expr).get_original_expr();
48  else
49  {
50  std::string identifier=
51  id2string(to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier());
53  std::string::size_type l0_l1=identifier.find_first_of("!@");
54  if(l0_l1!=std::string::npos)
55  {
56  identifier.resize(l0_l1);
57  to_symbol_expr(expr).set_identifier(identifier);
58  }
59  }
61  return;
62  }
63  else if(expr.id() == ID_string_constant)
64  {
65  std::string output_string = expr_to_string(ns, "", expr);
66  if(!xmlt::is_printable_xml(output_string))
67  expr = to_string_constant(expr).to_array_expr();
68  }
70  Forall_operands(it, expr)
71  remove_l0_l1(*it);
72 }
75  const irep_idt &identifier,
76  const code_assignt &assign)
77 {
78  const auto cit = cache.find({identifier.get_no(), &assign.read()});
79  if(cit != cache.end())
80  return cit->second;
82  std::string result;
84  if(assign.rhs().id() == ID_array_list)
85  {
86  const array_list_exprt &array_list = to_array_list_expr(assign.rhs());
87  const auto &ops = array_list.operands();
89  for(std::size_t listidx = 0; listidx != ops.size(); listidx += 2)
90  {
91  const index_exprt index{assign.lhs(), ops[listidx]};
92  if(!result.empty())
93  result += ' ';
94  result +=
95  convert_assign_rec(identifier, code_assignt{index, ops[listidx + 1]});
96  }
97  }
98  else if(assign.rhs().id() == ID_array)
99  {
100  const array_typet &type = to_array_type(assign.rhs().type());
102  unsigned i=0;
103  for(const auto &op : assign.rhs().operands())
104  {
105  index_exprt index(
106  assign.lhs(), from_integer(i++, c_index_type()), type.element_type());
107  if(!result.empty())
108  result+=' ';
109  result += convert_assign_rec(identifier, code_assignt(index, op));
110  }
111  }
112  else if(assign.rhs().id()==ID_struct ||
113  assign.rhs().id()==ID_union)
114  {
115  // dereferencing may have resulted in an lhs that is the first
116  // struct member; undo this
117  if(
118  assign.lhs().id() == ID_member &&
119  assign.lhs().type() != assign.rhs().type())
120  {
121  code_assignt tmp=assign;
122  tmp.lhs()=to_member_expr(assign.lhs()).struct_op();
124  return convert_assign_rec(identifier, tmp);
125  }
126  else if(assign.lhs().id()==ID_byte_extract_little_endian ||
127  assign.lhs().id()==ID_byte_extract_big_endian)
128  {
129  code_assignt tmp=assign;
130  tmp.lhs()=to_byte_extract_expr(assign.lhs()).op();
132  return convert_assign_rec(identifier, tmp);
133  }
135  const typet &lhs_type = assign.lhs().type();
136  const struct_union_typet::componentst &components =
137  (lhs_type.id() == ID_struct_tag || lhs_type.id() == ID_union_tag)
138  ? ns.follow_tag(to_struct_or_union_tag_type(lhs_type)).components()
139  : to_struct_union_type(lhs_type).components();
141  exprt::operandst::const_iterator it=
142  assign.rhs().operands().begin();
143  for(const auto &comp : components)
144  {
146  comp.type().id() != ID_code, "struct member must not be of code type");
147  if(
148  comp.get_is_padding() ||
149  // for some reason #is_padding gets lost in *some* cases
150  comp.get_name().starts_with("$pad"))
151  continue;
154  it != assign.rhs().operands().end(), "expression must have operands");
156  member_exprt member(
157  assign.lhs(),
158  comp.get_name(),
159  it->type());
160  if(!result.empty())
161  result+=' ';
162  result+=convert_assign_rec(identifier, code_assignt(member, *it));
163  ++it;
165  // for unions just assign to the first member
166  if(assign.rhs().id()==ID_union)
167  break;
168  }
169  }
170  else if(assign.rhs().id() == ID_with)
171  {
172  const with_exprt &with_expr = to_with_expr(assign.rhs());
173  const auto &ops = with_expr.operands();
175  for(std::size_t i = 1; i < ops.size(); i += 2)
176  {
177  if(!result.empty())
178  result += ' ';
180  if(ops[i].id() == ID_member_name)
181  {
182  const member_exprt member{
183  assign.lhs(), ops[i].get(ID_component_name), ops[i + 1].type()};
184  result +=
185  convert_assign_rec(identifier, code_assignt(member, ops[i + 1]));
186  }
187  else
188  {
189  const index_exprt index{assign.lhs(), ops[i]};
190  result +=
191  convert_assign_rec(identifier, code_assignt(index, ops[i + 1]));
192  }
193  }
194  }
195  else
196  {
197  exprt clean_rhs=assign.rhs();
198  remove_l0_l1(clean_rhs);
200  exprt clean_lhs = assign.lhs();
201  remove_l0_l1(clean_lhs);
202  std::string lhs = expr_to_string(ns, identifier, clean_lhs);
204  if(
205  lhs.find("#return_value") != std::string::npos ||
206  (lhs.find('$') != std::string::npos &&
207  has_prefix(lhs, "return_value___VERIFIER_nondet_")))
208  {
209  lhs="\\result";
210  }
212  result = lhs + " = " + expr_to_string(ns, identifier, clean_rhs) + ";";
213  }
215  cache.insert({{identifier.get_no(), &assign.read()}, result});
216  return result;
217 }
219 static bool filter_out(
220  const goto_tracet &goto_trace,
221  const goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator &prev_it,
222  goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator &it)
223 {
224  if(
225  it->hidden &&
226  (!it->pc->is_assign() || it->pc->assign_rhs().id() != ID_side_effect ||
227  it->pc->assign_rhs().get(ID_statement) != ID_nondet))
228  return true;
230  if(!it->is_assignment() && !it->is_goto() && !it->is_assert())
231  return true;
233  // we filter out steps with the same source location
234  // TODO: if these are assignments we should accumulate them into
235  // a single edge
236  if(
237  prev_it != goto_trace.steps.end() &&
238  prev_it->pc->source_location() == it->pc->source_location())
239  return true;
241  if(it->is_goto() && it->pc->condition().is_true())
242  return true;
244  const source_locationt &source_location = it->pc->source_location();
246  if(source_location.is_nil() ||
247  source_location.get_file().empty() ||
248  source_location.is_built_in() ||
249  source_location.get_line().empty())
250  {
251  const irep_idt id = source_location.get_function();
252  // Do not filter out assertions in functions the name of which starts with
253  // CPROVER_PREFIX, because we need to maintain those as violation nodes:
254  // these are assertions generated, for examples, for memory leaks.
255  if(!id.starts_with(CPROVER_PREFIX) || !it->is_assert())
256  return true;
257  }
259  return false;
260 }
262 static bool contains_symbol_prefix(const exprt &expr, const std::string &prefix)
263 {
264  if(
265  expr.id() == ID_symbol &&
266  to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier().starts_with(prefix))
267  {
268  return true;
269  }
271  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
272  {
273  if(contains_symbol_prefix(op, prefix))
274  return true;
275  }
276  return false;
277 }
281 {
282  unsigned int max_thread_idx = 0;
283  bool trace_has_violation = false;
284  for(goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator it = goto_trace.steps.begin();
285  it != goto_trace.steps.end();
286  ++it)
287  {
288  if(it->thread_nr > max_thread_idx)
289  max_thread_idx = it->thread_nr;
290  if(it->is_assert() && !it->cond_value)
291  trace_has_violation = true;
292  }
294  graphml.key_values["sourcecodelang"]="C";
297  graphml[sink].node_name="sink";
298  graphml[sink].is_violation=false;
299  graphml[sink].has_invariant=false;
301  if(max_thread_idx > 0 && trace_has_violation)
302  {
303  std::vector<graphmlt::node_indext> nodes;
305  for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= max_thread_idx + 1; ++i)
306  {
307  nodes.push_back(graphml.add_node());
308  graphml[nodes.back()].node_name = "N" + std::to_string(i);
309  graphml[nodes.back()].is_violation = i == max_thread_idx + 1;
310  graphml[nodes.back()].has_invariant = false;
311  }
313  for(auto it = nodes.cbegin(); std::next(it) != nodes.cend(); ++it)
314  {
315  xmlt edge("edge");
316  edge.set_attribute("source", graphml[*it].node_name);
317  edge.set_attribute("target", graphml[*std::next(it)].node_name);
318  const auto thread_id = std::distance(nodes.cbegin(), it);
319  xmlt &data = edge.new_element("data");
320  data.set_attribute("key", "createThread");
321  data.data = std::to_string(thread_id);
322  if(thread_id == 0)
323  {
324  xmlt &data = edge.new_element("data");
325  data.set_attribute("key", "enterFunction");
326  data.data = "main";
327  }
328  graphml[*std::next(it)].in[*it].xml_node = edge;
329  graphml[*it].out[*std::next(it)].xml_node = edge;
330  }
332  // we do not provide any further details as CPAchecker does not seem to
333  // handle more detailed concurrency witnesses
334  return;
335  }
337  // step numbers start at 1
338  std::vector<std::size_t> step_to_node(goto_trace.steps.size()+1, 0);
340  goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator prev_it=goto_trace.steps.end();
341  for(goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator
342  it=goto_trace.steps.begin();
343  it!=goto_trace.steps.end();
344  it++) // we cannot replace this by a ranged for
345  {
346  if(filter_out(goto_trace, prev_it, it))
347  {
348  step_to_node[it->step_nr]=sink;
350  continue;
351  }
353  // skip declarations followed by an immediate assignment
354  goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator next=it;
355  ++next;
356  if(
357  next != goto_trace.steps.end() &&
358  next->type == goto_trace_stept::typet::ASSIGNMENT &&
359  it->full_lhs == next->full_lhs &&
360  it->pc->source_location() == next->pc->source_location())
361  {
362  step_to_node[it->step_nr]=sink;
364  continue;
365  }
367  prev_it=it;
369  const source_locationt &source_location = it->pc->source_location();
372  graphml[node].node_name=
373  std::to_string(it->pc->location_number)+"."+std::to_string(it->step_nr);
374  graphml[node].file=source_location.get_file();
375  graphml[node].line=source_location.get_line();
376  graphml[node].is_violation=
377  it->type==goto_trace_stept::typet::ASSERT && !it->cond_value;
378  graphml[node].has_invariant=false;
380  step_to_node[it->step_nr]=node;
381  }
383  unsigned thread_id = 0;
385  // build edges
386  for(goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator
387  it=goto_trace.steps.begin();
388  it!=goto_trace.steps.end();
389  ) // no ++it
390  {
391  const std::size_t from=step_to_node[it->step_nr];
393  // no outgoing edges from sinks or violation nodes
394  if(from == sink || graphml[from].is_violation)
395  {
396  ++it;
397  continue;
398  }
400  auto next = std::next(it);
401  for(; next != goto_trace.steps.end() &&
402  (step_to_node[next->step_nr] == sink ||
403  pointee_address_equalt{}(it->pc, next->pc)); // NOLINT
404  ++next)
405  {
406  // advance
407  }
408  const std::size_t to=
409  next==goto_trace.steps.end()?
410  sink:step_to_node[next->step_nr];
412  switch(it->type)
413  {
418  {
419  xmlt edge(
420  "edge",
421  {{"source", graphml[from].node_name},
422  {"target", graphml[to].node_name}},
423  {});
425  {
426  xmlt &data_f = edge.new_element("data");
427  data_f.set_attribute("key", "originfile");
428  data_f.data = id2string(graphml[from].file);
430  xmlt &data_l = edge.new_element("data");
431  data_l.set_attribute("key", "startline");
432  data_l.data = id2string(graphml[from].line);
434  xmlt &data_t = edge.new_element("data");
435  data_t.set_attribute("key", "threadId");
436  data_t.data = std::to_string(it->thread_nr);
437  }
439  const auto lhs_object = it->get_lhs_object();
440  if(
442  lhs_object.has_value())
443  {
444  const std::string &lhs_id = id2string(lhs_object->get_identifier());
445  if(lhs_id.find("pthread_create::thread") != std::string::npos)
446  {
447  xmlt &data_t = edge.new_element("data");
448  data_t.set_attribute("key", "createThread");
449  data_t.data = std::to_string(++thread_id);
450  }
451  else if(
453  it->full_lhs_value, SYMEX_DYNAMIC_PREFIX "::dynamic_object") &&
455  it->full_lhs, SYMEX_DYNAMIC_PREFIX "::dynamic_object") &&
456  lhs_id.find("thread") == std::string::npos &&
457  lhs_id.find("mutex") == std::string::npos &&
458  (!it->full_lhs_value.is_constant() ||
459  !it->full_lhs_value.has_operands() ||
460  !has_prefix(
461  id2string(
462  to_multi_ary_expr(it->full_lhs_value).op0().get(ID_value)),
463  "INVALID-")))
464  {
465  xmlt &val = edge.new_element("data");
466  val.set_attribute("key", "assumption");
468  code_assignt assign{it->full_lhs, it->full_lhs_value};
469  val.data = convert_assign_rec(lhs_id, assign);
471  if(!it->function_id.empty())
472  {
473  xmlt &val_s = edge.new_element("data");
474  val_s.set_attribute("key", "assumption.scope");
475  irep_idt function_id = it->function_id;
476  const symbolt *symbol_ptr = nullptr;
477  if(!ns.lookup(lhs_id, symbol_ptr) && symbol_ptr->is_parameter)
478  {
479  function_id = lhs_id.substr(0, lhs_id.find("::"));
480  }
481  val_s.data = id2string(function_id);
482  }
484  if(has_prefix(val.data, "\\result ="))
485  {
486  xmlt &val_f = edge.new_element("data");
487  val_f.set_attribute("key", "assumption.resultfunction");
488  val_f.data = id2string(it->function_id);
489  }
490  }
491  }
492  else if(it->type == goto_trace_stept::typet::GOTO && it->pc->is_goto())
493  {
494  }
496  graphml[to].in[from].xml_node = edge;
497  graphml[from].out[to].xml_node = edge;
499  break;
500  }
517  // ignore
518  break;
519  }
521  it=next;
522  }
523 }
527 {
528  graphml.key_values["sourcecodelang"]="C";
531  graphml[sink].node_name="sink";
532  graphml[sink].is_violation=false;
533  graphml[sink].has_invariant=false;
535  // step numbers start at 1
536  std::vector<std::size_t> step_to_node(equation.SSA_steps.size()+1, 0);
538  std::size_t step_nr=1;
539  for(symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator
540  it=equation.SSA_steps.begin();
541  it!=equation.SSA_steps.end();
542  it++, step_nr++) // we cannot replace this by a ranged for
543  {
544  const source_locationt &source_location = it->source.pc->source_location();
546  if(
547  it->hidden ||
548  (!it->is_assignment() && !it->is_goto() && !it->is_assert()) ||
549  (it->is_goto() && it->source.pc->condition().is_true()) ||
550  source_location.is_nil() || source_location.is_built_in() ||
551  source_location.get_line().empty())
552  {
553  step_to_node[step_nr]=sink;
555  continue;
556  }
558  // skip declarations followed by an immediate assignment
559  symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator next=it;
560  ++next;
561  if(
562  next != equation.SSA_steps.end() && next->is_assignment() &&
563  it->ssa_full_lhs == next->ssa_full_lhs &&
564  it->source.pc->source_location() == next->source.pc->source_location())
565  {
566  step_to_node[step_nr]=sink;
568  continue;
569  }
572  graphml[node].node_name=
573  std::to_string(it->source.pc->location_number)+"."+
574  std::to_string(step_nr);
575  graphml[node].file=source_location.get_file();
576  graphml[node].line=source_location.get_line();
577  graphml[node].is_violation=false;
578  graphml[node].has_invariant=false;
580  step_to_node[step_nr]=node;
581  }
583  // build edges
584  step_nr=1;
585  for(symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator
586  it=equation.SSA_steps.begin();
587  it!=equation.SSA_steps.end();
588  ) // no ++it
589  {
590  const std::size_t from=step_to_node[step_nr];
592  if(from==sink)
593  {
594  ++it;
595  ++step_nr;
596  continue;
597  }
599  symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator next=it;
600  std::size_t next_step_nr=step_nr;
601  for(++next, ++next_step_nr;
602  next!=equation.SSA_steps.end() &&
603  (step_to_node[next_step_nr]==sink || it->source.pc==next->source.pc);
604  ++next, ++next_step_nr)
605  {
606  // advance
607  }
608  const std::size_t to=
609  next==equation.SSA_steps.end()?
610  sink:step_to_node[next_step_nr];
612  switch(it->type)
613  {
618  {
619  xmlt edge(
620  "edge",
621  {{"source", graphml[from].node_name},
622  {"target", graphml[to].node_name}},
623  {});
625  {
626  xmlt &data_f = edge.new_element("data");
627  data_f.set_attribute("key", "originfile");
628  data_f.data = id2string(graphml[from].file);
630  xmlt &data_l = edge.new_element("data");
631  data_l.set_attribute("key", "startline");
632  data_l.data = id2string(graphml[from].line);
633  }
635  if(
636  (it->is_assignment() || it->is_decl()) && it->ssa_rhs.is_not_nil() &&
637  it->ssa_full_lhs.is_not_nil())
638  {
639  irep_idt identifier = it->ssa_lhs.get_object_name();
641  graphml[to].has_invariant = true;
642  code_assignt assign(it->ssa_lhs, it->ssa_rhs);
643  graphml[to].invariant = convert_assign_rec(identifier, assign);
644  graphml[to].invariant_scope = id2string(it->source.function_id);
645  }
647  graphml[to].in[from].xml_node = edge;
648  graphml[from].out[to].xml_node = edge;
650  break;
651  }
668  // ignore
669  break;
670  }
672  it=next;
673  step_nr=next_step_nr;
674  }
675 }
constant_exprt from_integer(const mp_integer &int_value, const typet &type)
Definition: arith_tools.cpp:99
Expression classes for byte-level operators.
const byte_extract_exprt & to_byte_extract_expr(const exprt &expr)
bitvector_typet c_index_type()
Definition: c_types.cpp:16
Array constructor from a list of index-element pairs Operands are index/value pairs,...
Definition: std_expr.h:1681
Arrays with given size.
Definition: std_types.h:807
const typet & element_type() const
The type of the elements of the array.
Definition: std_types.h:827
A goto_instruction_codet representing an assignment in the program.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
bool empty() const
Definition: dstring.h:89
unsigned get_no() const
Definition: dstring.h:182
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
operandst & operands()
Definition: expr.h:94
Trace of a GOTO program.
Definition: goto_trace.h:177
stepst steps
Definition: goto_trace.h:180
const namespacet & ns
void operator()(const goto_tracet &goto_trace)
counterexample witness
std::unordered_map< std::pair< unsigned int, const irept::dt * >, std::string, pair_hash< unsigned int, const irept::dt * > > cache
void remove_l0_l1(exprt &expr)
std::string convert_assign_rec(const irep_idt &identifier, const code_assignt &assign)
key_valuest key_values
Definition: graphml.h:67
const edgest & in(node_indext n) const
Definition: graph.h:222
nodet::node_indext node_indext
Definition: graph.h:173
node_indext add_node(arguments &&... values)
Definition: graph.h:180
const edgest & out(node_indext n) const
Definition: graph.h:227
Array index operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:1470
const irep_idt & get(const irep_idt &name) const
Definition: irep.cpp:44
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:388
bool is_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:368
Extract member of struct or union.
Definition: std_expr.h:2854
const exprt & struct_op() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2892
exprt & op0()
Definition: std_expr.h:932
const union_typet & follow_tag(const union_tag_typet &) const
Follow type tag of union type.
Definition: namespace.cpp:63
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
bool lookup(const irep_idt &name, const symbolt *&symbol) const override
See documentation for namespace_baset::lookup().
Definition: namespace.cpp:148
const dt & read() const
Definition: irep.h:240
const irep_idt & get_function() const
const irep_idt & get_line() const
const irep_idt & get_file() const
static bool is_built_in(const std::string &s)
const exprt & get_original_expr() const
Definition: ssa_expr.h:33
array_exprt to_array_expr() const
convert string into array constant
const componentst & components() const
Definition: std_types.h:147
std::vector< componentt > componentst
Definition: std_types.h:140
void set_identifier(const irep_idt &identifier)
Definition: std_expr.h:155
Symbol table entry.
Definition: symbol.h:28
bool is_parameter
Definition: symbol.h:76
Inheriting the interface of symex_targett this class represents the SSA form of the input program as ...
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
Operator to update elements in structs and arrays.
Definition: std_expr.h:2481
Definition: xml.h:21
void set_attribute(const std::string &attribute, unsigned value)
Definition: xml.cpp:198
xmlt & new_element(const std::string &key)
Definition: xml.h:95
std::string data
Definition: xml.h:39
static bool is_printable_xml(const std::string &s)
Determine whether s does not contain any characters that cannot be escaped in XML 1....
Definition: xml.cpp:160
bool has_prefix(const std::string &s, const std::string &prefix)
Definition: converter.cpp:13
std::string expr2c(const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns, const expr2c_configurationt &configuration)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:4155
#define Forall_operands(it, expr)
Definition: expr.h:27
Concrete Goto Program.
Traces of GOTO Programs.
static std::string expr_to_string(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &id, const exprt &expr)
static bool contains_symbol_prefix(const exprt &expr, const std::string &prefix)
static bool filter_out(const goto_tracet &goto_trace, const goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator &prev_it, goto_tracet::stepst::const_iterator &it)
Witnesses for Traces and Proofs.
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:44
const std::string thread_id
std::string from_expr(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &identifier, const exprt &expr)
const irep_idt & get_mode_from_identifier(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &identifier)
Get the mode of the given identifier's symbol.
Definition: mode.cpp:66
Various predicates over pointers in programs.
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
Definition: invariant.h:534
const ssa_exprt & to_ssa_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast a generic exprt to an ssa_exprt.
Definition: ssa_expr.h:145
bool is_ssa_expr(const exprt &expr)
Definition: ssa_expr.h:125
const symbol_exprt & to_symbol_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a symbol_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:272
const array_list_exprt & to_array_list_expr(const exprt &expr)
Definition: std_expr.h:1716
const multi_ary_exprt & to_multi_ary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a multi_ary_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:987
const with_exprt & to_with_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a with_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2543
const member_exprt & to_member_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a member_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2946
const array_typet & to_array_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to an array_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:888
const struct_union_typet & to_struct_union_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_union_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:214
const struct_or_union_tag_typet & to_struct_or_union_tag_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_or_union_tag_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:478
const string_constantt & to_string_constant(const exprt &expr)
std::string to_string(const string_not_contains_constraintt &expr)
Used for debug printing.
static expr2c_configurationt clean_configuration
This prints compilable C that loses some of the internal details of the GOTO program.
Definition: expr2c.h:75
Functor to check whether iterators from different collections point at the same object.
Symbol table entry.
Generate Equation using Symbolic Execution.
#define size_type
Definition: unistd.c:347