Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Author: Fotis Koutoulakis for Diffblue Ltd.
3 #include "api.h"
5 #include <util/cmdline.h>
6 #include <util/config.h>
7 #include <util/invariant.h>
8 #include <util/message.h>
9 #include <util/options.h>
10 #include <util/ui_message.h>
11 #include <util/version.h>
21 #include <ansi-c/ansi_c_language.h>
22 #include <ansi-c/cprover_library.h>
23 #include <ansi-c/gcc_version.h>
25 #include <assembler/remove_asm.h>
28 #include <langapi/mode.h>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <vector>
35 extern configt config;
37 std::unique_ptr<std::string> api_sessiont::get_api_version() const
38 {
39  return std::make_unique<std::string>(std::string{CBMC_VERSION});
40 }
43 {
44  std::unique_ptr<goto_modelt> model;
45  std::unique_ptr<message_handlert> message_handler;
46  std::unique_ptr<optionst> options;
47 };
50 {
51 }
54  : implementation{std::make_unique<api_session_implementationt>()}
55 {
56  implementation->message_handler =
57  std::make_unique<null_message_handlert>(null_message_handlert{});
58  implementation->options = options.to_engine_options();
59  // Needed to initialise the language options correctly
60  cmdlinet cmdline;
61  // config is global in config.cpp
62  config.set(cmdline);
63  // Initialise C language mode
65  // configure gcc, if required -- get_goto_program will have set the config
67  {
68  gcc_versiont gcc_version;
69  gcc_version.get("gcc");
70  configure_gcc(gcc_version);
71  }
72 }
74 api_sessiont::~api_sessiont() = default;
77 {
78  std::string string;
79  unsigned level;
80 };
82 const char *api_message_get_string(const api_messaget &message)
83 {
84  return message.string.c_str();
85 }
87 bool api_message_is_error(const api_messaget &message)
88 {
89  return message.level == messaget::message_levelt::M_ERROR;
90 }
93 {
94 public:
95  explicit api_message_handlert(
99  void print(unsigned level, const std::string &message) override;
101  // Unimplemented for now. We may need to implement these as string conversions
102  // or something later.
103  void print(unsigned level, const xmlt &xml) override{};
104  void print(unsigned level, const jsont &json) override{};
106  void flush(unsigned) override{};
108 private:
111 };
114  api_message_callbackt callback,
115  api_call_back_contextt context)
116  : message_handlert{}, context{context}, callback{callback}
117 {
118 }
120 void api_message_handlert::print(unsigned level, const std::string &message)
121 {
122  if(!callback)
123  return;
124  api_messaget api_message{message, level};
125  callback(api_message, context);
126 }
129  api_message_callbackt callback,
130  api_call_back_contextt context)
131 {
132  implementation->message_handler =
133  std::make_unique<api_message_handlert>(callback, context);
134 }
137  const std::vector<std::string> &files) const
138 {
139  implementation->model = std::make_unique<goto_modelt>(initialize_goto_model(
140  files, *implementation->message_handler, *implementation->options));
141 }
143 std::unique_ptr<verification_resultt> api_sessiont::verify_model() const
144 {
147  bool empty_result = preprocess_model();
148  if(empty_result)
149  {
150  return {};
151  }
153  return run_verifier();
154 }
156 void api_sessiont::read_goto_binary(std::string &file) const
157 {
158  messaget log{*implementation->message_handler};
159  auto read_opt_val =
160  ::read_goto_binary(file, *implementation->message_handler);
161  if(read_opt_val.has_value())
162  {
163  implementation->model =
164  std::make_unique<goto_modelt>(std::move(read_opt_val.value()));
165  }
166  else
167  {
168  log.error() << "Unable to read goto-binary from file " << file
169  << messaget::eom;
170  }
171 }
173 bool api_sessiont::is_goto_binary(std::string &file) const
174 {
175  return ::is_goto_binary(file, *implementation->message_handler);
176 }
179 {
180  // Remove inline assembler; this needs to happen before adding the library.
181  remove_asm(*implementation->model, *implementation->message_handler);
183  // add the library
184  messaget log{*implementation->message_handler};
185  log.status() << "Adding CPROVER library (" << config.ansi_c.arch << ")"
186  << messaget::eom;
188  *implementation->model,
189  *implementation->message_handler,
191  // library functions may introduce inline assembler
192  while(has_asm(*implementation->model))
193  {
194  remove_asm(*implementation->model, *implementation->message_handler);
196  *implementation->model,
197  *implementation->message_handler,
199  }
201  // Common removal of types and complex constructs
203  *implementation->model, *implementation->options, log))
204  {
205  return true;
206  }
208  // add failed symbols
209  // needs to be done before pointer analysis
210  add_failed_symbols(implementation->model->symbol_table);
212  // label the assertions
213  // This must be done after adding assertions and
214  // before using the argument of the "property" option.
215  // Do not re-label after using the property slicer because
216  // this would cause the property identifiers to change.
219  remove_skip(*implementation->model);
220  return false;
221 }
223 std::unique_ptr<verification_resultt> api_sessiont::run_verifier() const
224 {
225  ui_message_handlert ui_message_handler(*implementation->message_handler);
227  verifier(
228  *implementation->options, ui_message_handler, *implementation->model);
230  verification_resultt result;
231  auto results = verifier();
233  // Print messages collected to callback buffer.
234  verifier.report();
235  // Set results object before returning.
236  result.set_result(results);
238  auto properties = verifier.get_properties();
239  result.set_properties(properties);
240  return std::make_unique<verification_resultt>(result);
241 }
244 {
246  implementation->model != nullptr,
247  "Model has not been loaded. Load it first using "
248  "api::load_model_from_files");
250  messaget log{*implementation->message_handler};
251  log.status() << "Performing instrumentation pass: dropping unused functions"
252  << messaget::eom;
255  *implementation->model, *implementation->message_handler);
256 }
259 {
261  implementation->model != nullptr,
262  "Model has not been loaded. Load it first using "
263  "api::load_model_from_files");
265  messaget log{*implementation->message_handler};
266  log.status() << "Validating consistency of goto-model supplied to API session"
267  << messaget::eom;
269  implementation->model->validate();
270 }
void add_failed_symbols(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
Create a failed-dereference symbol for all symbols in the given table that need one (i....
Pointer Dereferencing.
Goto verifier for verifying all properties that stores traces.
void cprover_c_library_factory(const std::set< irep_idt > &functions, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, symbol_table_baset &dest_symbol_table, message_handlert &message_handler)
std::unique_ptr< languaget > new_ansi_c_language()
const char * api_message_get_string(const api_messaget &message)
Given a api_message, this function returns that message expressed as a C language string.
Definition: api.cpp:82
bool api_message_is_error(const api_messaget &message)
Definition: api.cpp:87
configt config
Definition: config.cpp:25
void(*)(const api_messaget &message, api_call_back_contextt call_back_context) api_message_callbackt
The type of call back for feedback of status information and results.
Definition: api.h:52
void * api_call_back_contextt
The type of pointers to contextual data passed to the api_message_callback functions.
Definition: api.h:40
api_message_callbackt callback
Definition: api.cpp:110
api_call_back_contextt context
Definition: api.cpp:106
void print(unsigned level, const std::string &message) override
Definition: api.cpp:120
void print(unsigned level, const jsont &json) override
Definition: api.cpp:104
void flush(unsigned) override
Definition: api.cpp:106
api_message_handlert(api_message_callbackt callback, api_call_back_contextt context)
Definition: api.cpp:113
void print(unsigned level, const xmlt &xml) override
Definition: api.cpp:103
std::unique_ptr< optionst > to_engine_options() const
Definition: api_options.cpp:47
Globally accessible architectural configuration.
Definition: config.h:132
bool set(const cmdlinet &cmdline)
Definition: config.cpp:829
struct configt::ansi_ct ansi_c
void get(const std::string &executable)
Definition: gcc_version.cpp:18
const propertiest & get_properties()
Returns the properties.
Definition: goto_verifier.h:45
Definition: json.h:27
Class that provides messages with a built-in verbosity 'level'.
Definition: message.h:155
static eomt eom
Definition: message.h:297
Definition: xml.h:21
void configure_gcc(const gcc_versiont &gcc_version)
Symbol Table + CFG.
goto_modelt initialize_goto_model(const std::vector< std::string > &files, message_handlert &message_handler, const optionst &options)
Initialize a Goto Program.
double log(double x)
Definition: math.c:2776
void register_language(language_factoryt factory)
Register a language Note: registering a language is required for using the functions in language_util...
Definition: mode.cpp:39
Goto Checker using Multi-Path Symbolic Execution.
bool process_goto_program(goto_modelt &goto_model, const optionst &options, messaget &log)
Common processing and simplification of goto_programts.
static void json(json_objectT &result, const irep_idt &property_id, const property_infot &property_info)
Definition: properties.cpp:120
xmlt xml(const irep_idt &property_id, const property_infot &property_info)
Definition: properties.cpp:110
bool is_goto_binary(const std::string &filename, message_handlert &message_handler)
Read Goto Programs.
void remove_asm(goto_functionst &goto_functions, symbol_tablet &symbol_table, message_handlert &message_handler)
Replaces inline assembly instructions in the goto program (i.e., instructions of kind OTHER with a co...
Definition: remove_asm.cpp:575
bool has_asm(const goto_functionst &goto_functions)
returns true iff the given goto functions use asm instructions
Definition: remove_asm.cpp:598
Remove 'asm' statements by compiling them into suitable standard goto program instructions.
void remove_skip(goto_programt &goto_program, goto_programt::targett begin, goto_programt::targett end)
remove unnecessary skip statements
Definition: remove_skip.cpp:87
Program Transformation.
void remove_unused_functions(goto_modelt &goto_model, message_handlert &message_handler)
Unused function removal.
void label_properties(goto_modelt &goto_model)
Set the properties to check.
Definition: invariant.h:463
unsigned level
Definition: api.cpp:79
std::string string
Definition: api.cpp:78
std::unique_ptr< goto_modelt > model
Definition: api.cpp:44
std::unique_ptr< optionst > options
Definition: api.cpp:46
std::unique_ptr< message_handlert > message_handler
Definition: api.cpp:45
std::unique_ptr< std::string > get_api_version() const
A simple API version information function.
Definition: api.cpp:37
std::unique_ptr< verification_resultt > run_verifier() const
Process the model by running symex and the decision procedure.
Definition: api.cpp:223
bool preprocess_model() const
Implement necessary transformations to reduce model to symex-ready-GOTO, before being fed to symex.
Definition: api.cpp:178
void load_model_from_files(const std::vector< std::string > &files) const
Load a goto_model from a given vector of filenames.
Definition: api.cpp:136
bool is_goto_binary(std::string &file) const
True if file is goto-binary.
Definition: api.cpp:173
std::unique_ptr< verification_resultt > verify_model() const
Definition: api.cpp:143
void set_message_callback(api_message_callbackt callback, api_call_back_contextt context)
Definition: api.cpp:128
void drop_unused_functions() const
Drop unused functions from the loaded goto_model simplifying it.
Definition: api.cpp:243
void validate_goto_model() const
Validate the loaded goto model.
Definition: api.cpp:258
std::unique_ptr< api_session_implementationt > implementation
Definition: api.h:100
Definition: api.cpp:49
void read_goto_binary(std::string &file) const
Read a goto-binary from a given filename.
Definition: api.cpp:156
irep_idt arch
Definition: config.h:221
preprocessort preprocessor
Definition: config.h:264
void set_result(resultt &result)
void set_properties(propertiest &properties)
const char * CBMC_VERSION