This is the complete list of members for symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt, including all inherited members.
_remaining_vccs | goto_symext | protected |
_total_vccs | goto_symext | protected |
add_loop_unwind_handler(loop_unwind_handlert handler) | symex_bmct | inline |
add_recursion_unwind_handler(recursion_unwind_handlert handler) | symex_bmct | inline |
address_arithmetic(const exprt &, statet &, bool keep_array) | goto_symext | protected |
apply_goto_condition(goto_symex_statet ¤t_state, goto_statet &jump_taken_state, goto_statet &jump_not_taken_state, const exprt &original_guard, const exprt &new_guard, const namespacet &ns) | goto_symext | protected |
assign_string_constant(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const ssa_exprt &length, const constant_exprt &new_length, const ssa_exprt &char_array, const array_exprt &new_char_array) | goto_symext | protected |
assignment_typet typedef | goto_symext | protected |
associate_array_to_pointer(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const array_exprt &new_char_array, const address_of_exprt &string_data) | goto_symext | protected |
atomic_section_counter | goto_symext | protected |
cache_dereference(exprt &dereference_result, statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
check_break(const irep_idt &loop_id, unsigned unwind) override | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protectedvirtual |
clean_expr(exprt expr, statet &state, bool write) | goto_symext | protected |
complexity_module | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_assignment_with_side_effects(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const exprt &lhs, const exprt &rhs) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_case_change(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1, bool to_upper) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_delete(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_delete_char_at(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_empty_string(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_integer_to_string(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_replace(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_set_char_at(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_set_length(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_string_concat(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_string_substring(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
constant_propagate_trim(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const function_application_exprt &f_l1) | goto_symext | protected |
dereference(exprt &, statet &, bool write) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
dereference_rec(exprt &expr, statet &state, bool write, bool is_in_quantifier) | goto_symext | protected |
do_simplify(exprt &expr) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
execute_next_instruction(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
from_entry_point_of(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, symbol_tablet &new_symbol_table) | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | |
get_goto_function(abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model) | goto_symext | static |
get_goto_functiont typedef | goto_symext | |
get_new_string_data_symbol(statet &state, symex_assignt &symex_assign, const std::string &aux_symbol_name, const ssa_exprt &char_array, const array_exprt &new_char_array) | goto_symext | protected |
get_remaining_vccs() const | goto_symext | inline |
get_total_vccs() const | goto_symext | inline |
get_unwind_recursion(const irep_idt &identifier, unsigned thread_nr, unsigned unwind) override | symex_bmct | protectedvirtual |
goto_symext(message_handlert &mh, const symbol_table_baset &outer_symbol_table, symex_target_equationt &_target, const optionst &options, path_storaget &path_storage, guard_managert &guard_manager) | goto_symext | inline |
guard_manager | goto_symext | protected |
havoc_rec(statet &state, const guardt &guard, const exprt &dest) | goto_symext | protected |
ignore_assertions | goto_symext | |
incr_loop_id | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protected |
incr_max_unwind | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protected |
incr_min_unwind | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protected |
initialize_auto_object(const exprt &, statet &) | goto_symext | protected |
initialize_entry_point_state(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function) | goto_symext | protected |
initialize_path_storage_from_entry_point_of(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, symbol_table_baset &new_symbol_table, const shadow_memory_field_definitionst &fields) | goto_symext | virtual |
instruction_local_symbols | goto_symext | protected |
kill_instruction_local_symbols(statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
language_mode | goto_symext | |
last_source_location | symex_bmct | |
lift_let(statet &state, const let_exprt &let_expr) | goto_symext | protected |
lift_lets(statet &, exprt &) | goto_symext | protected |
locality(const irep_idt &function_identifier, goto_symext::statet &state, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
log | goto_symext | mutableprotected |
log_unwinding(unsigned unwind) | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protected |
loop_bound_exceeded(statet &state, const exprt &guard) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
loop_unwind_handlers | symex_bmct | protected |
loop_unwind_handlert typedef | symex_bmct | |
make_auto_object(const typet &, statet &) | goto_symext | protected |
merge_goto(const symex_targett::sourcet &source, goto_statet &&goto_state, statet &state) override | symex_bmct | protectedvirtual |
merge_gotos(statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
ns | goto_symext | protected |
outer_symbol_table | goto_symext | protected |
output_coverage_report(const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const std::string &path) const | symex_bmct | inline |
output_ui | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protected |
parameter_assignments(const irep_idt &function_identifier, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function, statet &state, const exprt::operandst &arguments) | goto_symext | protected |
path_segment_vccs | goto_symext | |
path_storage | goto_symext | protected |
phi_function(const goto_statet &goto_state, statet &dest_state) | goto_symext | protected |
print_callstack_entry(const symex_targett::sourcet &target) | goto_symext | protected |
print_symex_step(statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
process_array_expr(statet &, exprt &) | goto_symext | protected |
record_coverage | symex_bmct | |
recursion_unwind_handlers | symex_bmct | protected |
recursion_unwind_handlert typedef | symex_bmct | |
resume(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function) | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | |
resume_symex_from_saved_state(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, const statet &saved_state, symex_target_equationt *saved_equation) | goto_symext | virtual |
rewrite_quantifiers(exprt &, statet &) | goto_symext | protected |
shadow_memory | goto_symext | protected |
should_pause_symex | goto_symext | |
should_stop_unwind(const symex_targett::sourcet &source, const call_stackt &context, unsigned unwind) override | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protectedvirtual |
state | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | protected |
statet typedef | goto_symext | |
symex_allocate(statet &state, const exprt &lhs, const side_effect_exprt &code) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_assert(const goto_programt::instructiont &, statet &) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_assign(statet &state, const exprt &lhs, const exprt &rhs) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_assume(statet &state, const exprt &cond) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_assume_l2(statet &, const exprt &cond) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_atomic_begin(statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_atomic_end(statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt(message_handlert &, const symbol_tablet &outer_symbol_table, symex_target_equationt &, const optionst &, path_storaget &, guard_managert &, unwindsett &, ui_message_handlert::uit output_ui) | symex_bmc_incremental_one_loopt | |
symex_bmct(message_handlert &mh, const symbol_tablet &outer_symbol_table, symex_target_equationt &_target, const optionst &options, path_storaget &path_storage, guard_managert &guard_manager, unwindsett &unwindset) | symex_bmct | |
symex_catch(statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_config | goto_symext | protected |
symex_coverage | symex_bmct | protected |
symex_cpp_delete(statet &state, const codet &code) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_cpp_new(statet &state, const exprt &lhs, const side_effect_exprt &code) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_dead(statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_dead(statet &state, const symbol_exprt &symbol_expr) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_decl(statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_decl(statet &state, const symbol_exprt &expr) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_end_of_function(statet &) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_from_entry_point_of(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, const shadow_memory_field_definitionst &fields) | goto_symext | virtual |
symex_function_call(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state, const goto_programt::instructiont &instruction) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_function_call_post_clean(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state, const exprt &cleaned_lhs, const symbol_exprt &function, const exprt::operandst &cleaned_arguments) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_function_call_symbol(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state, const exprt &lhs, const symbol_exprt &function, const exprt::operandst &arguments) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_goto(statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_input(statet &state, const codet &code) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_other(statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_output(statet &state, const codet &code) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_printf(statet &state, const exprt &rhs) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_set_return_value(statet &state, const exprt &return_value) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_start_thread(statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_step(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state) override | symex_bmct | protectedvirtual |
symex_threaded_step(statet &state, const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_throw(statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_unreachable_goto(statet &state) | goto_symext | protected |
symex_va_start(statet &, const exprt &lhs, const side_effect_exprt &) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
symex_with_state(statet &state, const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_functions) | goto_symext | virtual |
target | goto_symext | protected |
trigger_auto_object(const exprt &, statet &) | goto_symext | protected |
try_evaluate_constant(const statet &state, const exprt &expr) | goto_symext | protectedstatic |
try_evaluate_constant_string(const statet &state, const exprt &content) | goto_symext | protected |
try_filter_value_sets(goto_symex_statet &state, exprt condition, const value_sett &original_value_set, value_sett *jump_taken_value_set, value_sett *jump_not_taken_value_set, const namespacet &ns) | goto_symext | protected |
unwindset | symex_bmct | |
validate(const validation_modet vm) const | goto_symext | inline |
vcc(const exprt &cond, const irep_idt &property_id, const std::string &msg, statet &state) | goto_symext | protectedvirtual |
~goto_symext()=default | goto_symext | virtual |