This is the complete list of members for dfcc_libraryt, including all inherited members.
add_instrumented_functions_map_init_instructions(const std::set< irep_idt > &instrumented_functions, const source_locationt &source_location, goto_programt &dest) | dfcc_libraryt | |
assignable_builtin_names | dfcc_libraryt | private |
check_replace_ensures_was_freed_preconditions_call(const exprt &ptr, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
dfcc_fun_symbol | dfcc_libraryt | |
dfcc_fun_to_name | dfcc_libraryt | private |
dfcc_hook | dfcc_libraryt | private |
dfcc_libraryt(goto_modelt &goto_model, message_handlert &lmessage_handler) | dfcc_libraryt | |
dfcc_name_to_fun | dfcc_libraryt | private |
dfcc_name_to_type | dfcc_libraryt | private |
dfcc_type | dfcc_libraryt | |
dfcc_type_to_name | dfcc_libraryt | private |
disable_checks() | dfcc_libraryt | |
fix_malloc_free_calls() | dfcc_libraryt | protected |
get_dfcc_fun(const irep_idt &id) const | dfcc_libraryt | |
get_dfcc_fun_name(dfcc_funt fun) const | dfcc_libraryt | |
get_havoc_hook(const irep_idt &function_id) const | dfcc_libraryt | |
get_hook(const irep_idt &function_id) const | dfcc_libraryt | |
get_instrumented_functions_map_symbol() | dfcc_libraryt | |
get_missing_funs() | dfcc_libraryt | protected |
goto_model | dfcc_libraryt | protected |
havoc_hook | dfcc_libraryt | private |
inhibit_front_end_builtins() | dfcc_libraryt | |
inline_functions() | dfcc_libraryt | protected |
inlined | dfcc_libraryt | protectedstatic |
is_dfcc_library_symbol(const irep_idt &id) const | dfcc_libraryt | |
is_front_end_builtin(const irep_idt &function_id) const | dfcc_libraryt | |
link_allocated_call(const exprt &write_set_postconditions_ptr, const exprt &write_set_to_link_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
link_deallocated_call(const exprt &write_set_postconditions_ptr, const exprt &write_set_to_link_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
link_is_fresh_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &is_fresh_obj_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
load(std::set< irep_idt > &to_instrument) | dfcc_libraryt | |
loaded | dfcc_libraryt | protectedstatic |
log | dfcc_libraryt | protected |
malloc_free_fixed | dfcc_libraryt | protectedstatic |
message_handler | dfcc_libraryt | protected |
obj_set_create_indexed_by_object_id_call(const exprt &obj_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
obj_set_release_call(const exprt &obj_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
specialize(const std::size_t contract_assigns_size_hint) | dfcc_libraryt | |
specialized | dfcc_libraryt | protectedstatic |
write_set_add_allocated_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_add_decl_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_allocated_deallocated_is_empty_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_array_copy_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &dest, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_array_replace_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &dest, const exprt &src, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_array_set_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &dest, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_assignment_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &ptr, const exprt &size, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_assigns_clause_inclusion_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &reference_write_set_ptr, const exprt &candidate_write_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_deallocate_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_frees_clause_inclusion_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &reference_write_set_ptr, const exprt &candidate_write_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_check_havoc_object_call(const exprt &check_var, const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_create_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &contract_assigns_size, const exprt &contract_frees_size, const exprt &assume_requires_ctx, const exprt &assert_requires_ctx, const exprt &assume_ensures_ctx, const exprt &assert_ensures_ctx, const exprt &allow_allocate, const exprt &allow_deallocate, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_create_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &contract_assigns_size, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_deallocate_freeable_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &target_write_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_record_dead_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_record_deallocated_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const exprt &ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt | |
write_set_release_call(const exprt &write_set_ptr, const source_locationt &source_location) | dfcc_libraryt |